Potency translated from Latin sounds like "strength", and in fact this term is quite consistent with the concept of "male power". According to the generally accepted opinion, potency arises by itself with age, gradually increases, and with the advent of maturity it gradually fades away. Indeed, male potential is far from a simple phenomenon, and for its emergence, maintenance and growth requires a man's efforts. Some experts are of the opinion that power, like runners' legs, needs to be trained. That is why there is a prevention of male potency.

Dodging the clutches of impotence is easy
Everyone knows that male potency is a very subtle tool, the functions of which can be influenced by a variety of factors. But not all negative phenomena are taken into account by men when they try to maintain and increase their sexual strength, or rather, a powerful long-lasting erection.
Among the most common causes of sexual weakness in men, experts cite the following:
- room temperature (it is reliably known that when the body is cooled in men, libido and sexual abilities generally decrease);
- emotional background in a pair (the more even it is, the higher the potency becomes);
- a man's nutrition (the more diverse it is and the more it contains substances that are really useful for the male body, the better the potency);
- physical inactivity (unbalanced loads contribute to the weakening of the body and make the potency less strong);
- toxic substances (even a slight voluntary intoxication of the male body, that is, smoking and alcohol, can lead to a decrease in libido and a deterioration in potency);
- chronic diseases (regardless of the location of the pathology, it will weaken the body, which will direct all its forces to restore the functions of the diseased organ, and not to potency).
It is from the influence of these phenomena that the good old prevention protects men. The concept is widespread, has long been known to everyone, but this has become no less valuable. Great hopes are pinned on her, since only she can not only nullify the harmful effects of the above factors on male potency, but also make the body an impregnable fortress capable of withstanding other dangers.
5 steps to maintaining potency
The main task of preventing the onset of impotence is to prevent the onset of pathological processes that lead to the following changes:
- decreased production of the hormone testosterone;
- weakening of nervous and psychological stability;
- acute lack of minerals and vitamins necessary for the functioning of the sex glands and the body as a whole;
- degenerative-dystrophic processes in the urinary organs;
- deterioration of blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of the sexual glands and organs;
- decrease in natural immunity.
For several decades, during which extensive studies have been carried out on the sexual functions of men and the influence of various factors on them, quite effective means have been found that can reduce their influence. These include not only drugs, but also folk remedies, exercise, a special diet.
To maintain and increase potency in men, it is recommended to take only 5 steps towards a full sex life:
- Give up bad habits that affect the circulatory system, central and peripheral nervous systems, metabolic processes and destabilize the hormonal background.
- Avoid stressful situations, moreover, it can be not only conflicts at work or in the family, but also sharp changes in temperature, prolonged stress, including psychological.
- Normalize nutrition in such a way as to provide the body with all the necessary elements and compounds, as well as avoid obesity or malnutrition.
- Restore normal physical activity, that is, do not strain yourself too much, but at the same time move for more active blood circulation, metabolism and nutrient absorption.
- Treat diseases in time, especially if they can become chronic.
However, all these funds cannot be compared with the main rule of prevention of impotence in men in terms of ease of use: sex should be regular, at least 2 times a week. This will activate the work of the prostate gland, improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and have a positive effect on the emotional background of men.
What drugs can be used to prevent potency
Medications are the most popular remedies for men who decide to take up the prevention of impotence. Unfortunately, not everyone knows which groups of drugs to focus on in order to normalize the functions of the reproductive system in men and prevent disruptions in the sexual sphere. Most men consider erection stimulants as such, but doctors do not recommend getting carried away with them due to the danger of completely losing male potential.
Most often, the following drugs are prescribed to prevent erectile dysfunction:
- Sedatives, if there are frequent stressful situations, depression, psychological problems.
- Antiatherosclerotic drugs and drugs that restore vascular patency and tone.
- Vitamin and mineral complexes.
- Antiparasitic drugs.
- Preparations to maintain immunity.
It is best to take all these funds after consulting your doctor, even if they contain exclusively herbs or other organic components. The fact is that they have many contraindications, and can also interact negatively with each other or with other drugs.
Healthy menu for potency
Doctors call proper nutrition the most important point in the prevention of erectile dysfunction in men. Products as a means of improving erection have been used for a long time and are still considered more effective and safer than synthetic drugs.
The following foods have a pronounced positive effect on the genitourinary system:
- pumpkin seeds, walnuts and almonds;
- beef and lamb;
- egg;
- fresh carrots, celery, garlic.
These products contain a lot of phosphorus, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.
It is also recommended to consume more grains and cereals: oatmeal and wheat flakes, parsley, peas and cauliflower. They contain zinc, a substance necessary for the synthesis of testosterone. Vitamin E, found in peanut and olive oils, bananas and legumes, also helps normalize the activity of the sex glands.
Other means for prevention
A good effect in the prevention of potency is also provided by folk remedies with herbs, honey and other bee products. They can have a sedative, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, stimulating and immunomodulatory effect.
The most popular folk remedies contain ginseng, Euphorbia Pallas, medicinal lungwort. Spices - basil, ginger, red and black pepper also have a good potency-stimulating effect. They can be used as a daily food supplement.
Along with the listed funds, men are advised to visit the bathhouse regularly to prevent potency. Also, it's not enough just to warm up. To achieve the maximum preventive effect, you need to sit in a steam room filled with larch, horseradish or cedar steam. It is enough to carry out such procedures once a week to maintain potency until old age.
A contrast shower has a similar effect to a bath. You can take it every day, gradually increasing the temperature range and time of the procedure. In this case it is advisable to test the effect of the shower on the lower limbs first, watering only the thighs. Then you can water larger areas of the body, including the chest and head.
Potency is an integral part of a man's life, which, with the right approach, can be maintained up to 70 years or more. In this case, you cannot resort to expensive drugs and procedures. The measures described above have been tested by thousands of men, however, their implementation still requires the approval of a specialist.